Leadership Resources
“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” -Mattie JT Stepanek
We need to know your PTA leaders!
We need to know your PTA leaders!
Please ensure all leaders and chairs have been added to our "2024-2025 Local Unit Officers + Chairs" form. We will add that contact information to MailChimp and send all ECCC communications from there. If you're not sure who is already on the list, please view on this spreadsheet and complete the form above if you are missing.
Standards of Affiliation (SOA)
Standards of Affiliation (SOA)
Complete the Standards of Affiliation (SOA) form and email to GA PTA at office@georgiapta.org, district9@georgiapta.org, and secretary@ecccpta.org on or before November 30th.
For those that need it, here is a copy of Georgia PTA's Code of Ethics.